We implement and set up the system according to your needs.
Get full implementation and start-up support. Prioritise what changes and improvements to the solution you'd like. Purchase services as needed or subscribe to reserved capacity.
We implement and set up the system according to your needs.
We offer hands-on system training to your employees.
We make changes or add new functionality to the solution according to your needs.
We prepare any extended reports your need.
We collaborate on the development of new functionality for the platform.
We optimise processes and workflows for better performance.
You can choose exactly the type of service agreement that best suits your business. The longer the terms, the greater the capacity and faster response time we offer.
Hours are purchased as needed
Less administration
Guaranteed response time and capacity
A complete and intuitive core system (PAS), which digitises all policy and claims processes and can easily be customised to your business.
Automate repair processes for motor, property and health. Benefit from a solid ecosystem of claims suppliers and settlement tools. Provide online access to service partners and end-customers.
Settle content claims and help your customers replace, repair or valuate lost or broken items within minutes.