Founded in Copenhagen by Danish insurance pioneers
We want to make it easier for you as an insurance company to assist your customers, both when they need to choose their insurance and when they make a claim. They desire a transparent, easy, and fast process. This you can offer with our smart and advanced digital solutions.
We are 200 insurance nerds with 11 nationalities in offices in Denmark, Poland and Switzerland. We are passionate about improving the customer journey for end-users and are eager to understand our customers’ needs. We work closely with you to foster an open and honest dialogue, and we are constantly challenging ourselves to make the complex simpler.
Founded in Copenhagen by Danish insurance pioneers
European insurance companies have chosen Scalepoint
Billion DKK paid in claims per year
Million claims handled via our solutions
We challenge the status quo to create better, smarter and more future-proof solutions for insurance companies, always aiming for a smoother customer journey. We work as a team with your claims organisation to keep project structures as simple as possible.
We were born with an ambitious vein that continues to run throughout the company. We set the bar high and want to contribute to real change in the insurance industry. That’s why we’re leaders in our field and are still investing significantly in R&D.
Our customers should always feel that we are running on fully charged batteries, with a spark in our eyes and clear goals before us. That’s why we hire people with energy, drive and a burning desire to work with new technology, new business models and insurance companies in other countries.
We are pragmatic by nature and always focus on making the complex simple for you and your end-customers. We are guided by Nordic simplicity, both in how we develop our solutions and how we organise ourselves.
Behind every computer sits a human, and even though we are software geeks, human relationships are our highest priority. We are interested in each other as people, and in the people we work with as customers and partners. Openness and honesty are the cornerstones of our personal relationships.
The principles encompassed in our sustainability policy cover all areas of operations and have been developed and continue to be reviewed against and updated by reference to relevant codes of corporate governance and international standards.
Our Board of Directors supports the principles in those codes and standards. This support directly translates into a set of guidelines and standards, documented in our CSR policy, that forms a common approach for Scalepoint companies and provide practical guidance for our managers and employees.
Tue Høilund-Carlsen
Chief Executive Officer
Sune Dyrlund Aagaard
Vice President, Sales
Line Vedel Perlman
Vice President, Risk & Compliance
Peder Ingemann Hansen
Vice President, Customers
Henrik Klarup
Vice President, Product & IT (CIO)
Jan Bigum
Vice President, ClaimShop & Operations
Peter Heering
Co-founder Scalepoint, Harvard MBA, Accenture Partner in FOUNDERS
Ulrik Trolle
Co-founder Scalepoint, INSEAD MBA, McKinsey, Partner in FOUNDERS
Lene Weldum
Former General Manager Bankdata
Hans Otto Engkilde
Managing Director Elgin White, former EVP SimCorp