Digital claims process with automation
Delivering optimal workflow efficiency supported by a range of rules-based automated processes.
HUB Health provides an online solution for confidential health records, letting customers stay close to the claims process. With a free choice of healthcare provider HUB Health offers a range of automation possibilities for efficient claims processing. A pre-approved service provider network ensures optimal service quality to help prevent recurring claims.
Delivering optimal workflow efficiency supported by a range of rules-based automated processes.
Claimant gets a transparent claims experience that delivers quick access to the needed treatment.
Manage price agreements, pre-purchased service, steering, availability, SLAs, tenders services and contracts to the right level of detail for your organization and your market.
By combining the analytics module with the Scalepoint HUB solution, you:
The claims handling system automates over 70% of all car damages and ensures quick contact to workshops so claimants get quicker service.
The system lifts the burden away from end-customers when there is water in the basement or hole in the roof. All project management between insurance company and craftsmen is automated.