Quick settlement
Speedy and intuitive settlement
With an intelligent range of functionalities, Settlement provides fast and efficient claims valuation, ensuring a low, fair and transparent settlement, fast access to replacement possibilities, several system-generated options for communication to your customers, and an instant overview of claims details.
The ClaimShop Settlement module provides a smooth claims journey for your customers and the most efficient possible workflow for you.
Speedy and intuitive settlement
Easy access to accurate and consistent data
Efficient digital customer experience
The Settlement module includes many intelligent techniques for fast and easy claims settlement. At the same time you save money and can offer your customers a fair and transparent customer experience.
Using pre-defined processes, templates, rules automation and integration, Settlement shaves precious time off your business processes and accelerates the claims journey.
Settlement provides fast and efficient claims valuation, ensuring a low, fair, and transparent settlement, fast access to replacement possibilities, several system-generated options for communication to your customers, and an instant overview of claims details.
Settlement includes various valuation techniques including a catalog of +400.000 products, best fit to historical products, voucher match, ability to send items to repair and use external valuation experts and even handles depreciation and deductible.
With the repair and valuation module you get easy access to a network of service providers, the best pricing and an easy approval process.
Settlement history gives a complete chronological history of a claim: